OPEX Solutions
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Dear Kevin,
I have been working with several
clients to justify very large
projects. That and my personal
"lean" training inspired my
article on Justifying OPEX
Tools. A technology workshop I
did for a group last
month produced my Top 10 list.
By request, I included an
excellent case study for RPM -
this will expand every month.
My Top 10 Operational Excellence
purpose of this article is to
list ten great tools that will
help every manufacturing and
process company better support
operational excellence
initiatives that include LEAN,
Six Sigma, 5S, and more.
In no particular order here are
my Top 10 Tools that Support
Operational Excellence
10) Ethernet I/O Systems:
Don't wait until you can change
out or update old controllers or
control systems. The tools in
the rest of this list need to
know what is happening in the
process and on the manufacturing
floor. You can easily and
inexpensively get this
information today by using
Ethernet I/O Systems or
inexpensive PLCs as data
collection only. You can even
series the transmitter loops
going to existing controllers
through the new I/O system and
read that old data through
Read the rest.
Performance Management that can
Performance Management (RPM)
promises to deliver greater
information to high-level
executives that are in charge of
running the business, but
manufacturers now have a great
opportunity to build an advanced
performance management platform
by starting simply on the plant
here to
Case Studies
people have asked to see more
case studies. This month we are
highlighting the Wyeth
Brazil case study by Parsec.
This example is a "classic"
tools that support and sustain
operational excellence. The
measurable benefits are
Click here to download...
This month we have added a great
engineering partner, Avid
Solutions, to our ranks of
TrakSYS Certified Integration
Partners in the Southeast.
Avid joins Polytron Incorporated
of Atlanta and RPM, LLC of
Cary in helping clients earn
more with their existing assets.
Special thanks to RPM in helping
a major pharma client win a
prestigious corporate award with
a TrakSYS Project!
Sylution Incorporated
800 254-9140 x11
Justifying OPEX Tools

The threshold is high. But,
sometimes money is available for
a great investment if the
justification presents a great
business case.
Start with your need - not a product.
Determine a plan to use a tool to
achieve a goal. Justify the cost of
doing it right. If you need a good
partner to help - then please call me.