Do you need a LEAN Manufacturing solution to
improve manufacturing performance by reducing inventory, improving
flow, and reducing cycle times?
Sylution can help answer these questions by
presenting an great tool called Pull Management Platform by
Invistics that helps clients implement LEAN in any industry event
with a high mix of products.
- Easy Upgrade for manual Kanban Users
- Frees up millions of dollars in working capital
- Allows you to "Dial in" desired inventory levels
- Demand driven pull replaces inaccurate forecast
- Ensures inventory dollars are invested well
- Sustains initial benefits
- Scales easily across plants
- Defines flow
- Defines Pull policy
- Electronic inbox of pending orders awaiting
authorization and release
- Reporting to track performance
- Hosted systems available.

PMP Pull Table
Pull Management Platform (PMP) provides an economical software
platform to deploy and sustain demand driven pull manufacturing
applications on the factory floor
- Supports classic Kanban, CONWIP,
Drum-Buffer-Rope, and customized PULL methods.
- Automates data collection, system state
update, tracking of system performance and distribution of team
- Provides easy to use interfaces via web
- Available for lease as a hosted
solution (SaaS)
- Interfaces with existing IT systems: JD
Edwards, LIMS, Documentum, SAP and others…
measurable, sustainable results

System confirms value
Follow the links below for more information: